It’s Going To Be An Appy New Year
I’ve updated my app library to streamline my productivity suite
New Year, New Start
For some reason, we choose the new year to make a fresh start, but really, we should be making that fresh start EVERY day.
Each day presents us with a unique opportunity to do something different. To make sure we’re being the best we can possibly be.
This doesn’t just extend to our physical and mental well-being. Gym memberships notoriously increase in January (not me!) but also to how we operate.
Which tools we use to get things done.
Having said all that, as we near the end of the year, I’ve been spending some time evaluating the tools I use and made some stark decisions.
I decided that I would cut back on my spending on apps that weren’t necessary, and re-focus on those that either cost less, or cost nothing.
Now, I’ve written about changing apps in the past, and how it can be one of the biggest time-wasters.