Julian Cosky

Julian Cosky

Productivity Matters

70 stories

Image: CutluredCode.com
Julian Cosky

Julian Cosky

Apple Stuff

18 stories

Screenshot taken by the author from the official Apple website.
Siri and Apple Logo: Apple.com - Composition: Author
Julian Cosky

Julian Cosky


32 stories

Ulysses - available in the App Store. Screen capture by author.
Julian Cosky

Julian Cosky

Selection of Stories

10 stories

Julian Cosky

Julian Cosky

Diary of a Cabinetmaker

8 stories

Cover of a book. It reads ‘Permit to Enter Palestine’. This is the cover of the diary. The design is the actual permit.
A naturalisation document. Signed by Herbert Gladstone. This is the only document that contains the name ‘Davis’