Member-only story
My Medium Success
Or, my personal success on Medium…
It’s been two years since I started writing on Medium, and I’ve enjoyed every minute.
I’ll accept, I could have written more, and there were times when I dropped off, and wasn’t as active as I could have been. There were other times when I “overdid it” and published all the time.
Have I been successful?
What is the measure of success?
This is where I tell you that success means different things to different people.
For some people it’s achieving a specific goal. Others may say that the success is defined by the very journey to achieving a goal.
Some will measure it in the amount of money they have earned, whilst others will measure success as the work/life balance they’ve achieved.
The important point is that success is personal. Don’t compare with others as they may have a different scale to measure by.
Of course, there are many measures for each aspect of our lives; success at work, success at life, and others in between.
From a Medium perspective, I’ve been writing here for 2 years.
When I started this, I never thought I’d still be here.